mardi 13 mars 2012

Use your French to help combat hunger

La langue française au service de la lutte contre la faim 
Each year, on 20 March, French-speakers around the world celebrate the International Day of Francophonie. 

This year to mark the day the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) and the United Nations' Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM), known in English as the World Food Programme (WFP), provides you with the opportunity to not only extend your knowledge of the French language and the French-speaking countries but at the same time help those who are hungry. 

This is your chance to use the French language to have some fun and also to make a difference to those who are starving. I urge you to participate and to encourage friends and family to do likewise. You can register individually or create a group and monitor how many grains are donated because of your involvement.  Note: I have created a group titled 'Femmes Francophiles' so we can monitor how much rice we raise.

Quand : du 17 au 25 mars 2012 (On peut jouer avant le 17 mars)

Comment : Rendez-vous sur, un jeu de culture générale en ligne où chaque bonne réponse vous permet de reverser 10 grains de riz au PAM pour permettre de nourrir ceux qui ont faim dans le monde, un jeu pédagogique et amusant avec un impact réel. À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la Francophonie 2012 sur Freerice : l’OIF et le PAM appellent à tous les francophones à travers le monde à tester leurs connaissances en vocabulaire français et sur la francophonie et à s’engager dans la lutte contre la faim! ( )

2 commentaires:

  1. This is a wonderful idea! Very addictive though. You don't have to wait until 17th March to try it out though. It seems to move you onto a higher level automatically when you get one wrong and ask the same question again a little later. Let us know when you've set up a group of femmes francophiles.

    1. Thanks Fraussie. I have finally managed to set up a group 'Femmes Francophiles' so we can see how much rice as a group we can raise.


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