You probably don't need any inspiration to visit France .... but in case you do .... have a look at this slide show:
lundi 28 novembre 2011
samedi 26 novembre 2011
The Women on the Sixth Floor - Film

Watch trailer
The film opens at the Palace-Nova on 15 December 2011. There is however an exclusive preview screening at 6.30pm Thursday 8 December 2011.
- $9 Alliance Français members (who can purchase up to 4 tickets)
- $18 adults
Alternatively you can try and win one of 100 double passes:
vendredi 25 novembre 2011
So Frenchy, So Chic Live in Adelaide (19 January 2012)
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Féfé by Willysmile (CC BY-NC 2.0) |
As part of the Adelaide Festival Centre’s new summer music season in January, Sessions, there will be two ‘So Frenchy So Chic Live’ performances at the Space Theatre, Adelaide Festival Centre. Sessions is focused on live music from local, national and international bands in a relaxed club atmosphere.
Asa and Féfé will perform on 19 January 2012. You may have seen these internationally acclaimed performers at WOMADelaide in 2011.
Asa was raised in Lagos but is now a rising star in France. "...the strident new voice of modern folk...Asa will deliver an up close and personal set fusing contemporary soul, pop, reggae and funk with her trademark husky voice."
"When she gets her jazz groove on in Bimpé and Be My Man, you wish the songs would never end." The Guardian
If like me you don't know Asa, check out her website which has some clips of her recordings.
Féfé was born in France to Nigerian parents. He breaks the boundaries of traditional hip-hop, weaving his style of rap through funk, soul, blues and catchy pop. Check out his music at
“He has that Michael Franti factor when it comes to manipulating thousands of punters into shaking their booty.” The Australian
For further information on Asa and Féfé appearing in Sessions for So Frenchy So Chic Live
- Space Theatre, Adelaide Festival Centre
- Asa – 19 January at 6.30pm
- Féfé – 19 January at 9.30pm
- Either session: Adults $50, Concession $45, Student $45, Greenroom $19.95,Groups (6+) $45
- Either session: Season Subscription Adult $37.50, Season Subscription Concession $35
- For both Asa and Féfé: Adult $80, Concession $75
French Salon: Lisette chez Maxim
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Lisette chez Maxim |
Thoroughly enjoyed Cat's performance as Lisette last night at Maxim's bar in Norwood, Adelaide. Her repertoire included the traditional favourites of French cabaret. There was Piaf, Brel etc. Cat delivered the songs in her rich, sultry voice. Her interaction with the audience was lots of fun as we laughed at the difficulties of conjugating French verbs. It was only a shame that more francophiles were unable to make it.
A number of people have asked me for more information about French Salons in Adelaide. My understanding, having spoken to one of the organisers, is it has come about from a group of francophiles who would gather together at friends' places to converse in French. From there it has taken off to be a regular get together at Maxim's on the third Thursday of the month. Next year the plan is to have a theme for the evening with speakers etc. A programme will be developed for the year. With their permission, I will post details of the programme once it has been developed.
Apologies for the poor quality photo!!! It was the best I could manage....
Apologies for the poor quality photo!!! It was the best I could manage....
mardi 22 novembre 2011
L'Ordre Et La Morale
Today I received an email from a friend in New Caledonia with an open letter regarding the film 'L'Ordre Et La Morale' which has just been released in France and is the cause of controversy in New Caledonia.
Chers amis , de métropole ou calédoniens,comme vous le savez peut-être, même si vous n'êtes pas cinéphiles, un film de Mr Kassovitz au titre incompréhensible de " l'Ordre et la Morale " fondé sur les dires et la vision personnelle de Mr Legorjus est sorti, avec une publicité fracassante, concernant ce qu'il est coutume d'appeler " l'Affaire d'Ouvéa " ( 1988 ) .Malgré un devoir de réserve que j'ai toujours respecté, malgré le secret de l'instruction que j'ai toujours pratiqué au plus haut point et que je pratique encore, malgré toutes les pressions ou menaces ou sanctions que j'ai subies, singulièrement de la part du ministère de la justice, je tiens à m'exprimer brièvement et à m'associer aux critiques portées à ce film-fiction, qui n'est pas un documentaire. Les mensonges, les inventions, sont multiples et patents. J'étais le juge d'instruction des évènements de 1988 en Nouvelle-Calédonie, dont, entre autres, le plus médiatisé, l' "Affaire d'Ouvéa". A ce titre, j'ai rencontré simplement ou interrogé nombre des personnes concernées, parlé avec d'autres, indépendantistes ou non, j'ai suivi pas à pas le déroulement des évènements, j'ai assisté aux autopsies nécessaires, etc ...Certains des destinataires de mon mail, qui, à l'époque, appartenaient -- ou appartiennent encore - à la hiérarchie militaire de l'armée de terre, de la gendarmerie, de la Royale, ou de la BAN de Tontouta, au commando Hubert, au GIGN, au milieu journalistique, médical, ou au milieu judiciaire, ce, en Nouvelle-Calédonie ou en métropole, ou au milieu politique local, du parti majoritaire ou du FLNKS, seront de mon avis, se reconnaîtront, et quelques uns d'entre eux se souviendront de mes sincères remerciements pour l'aide qu'ils m'ont apportée, dans un temps particulièrement troublé. Quelques uns de mes destinataires n'iront pas non plus voir ce film, tant leurs blessures d'avoir perdu un membre de leur famille sont encore béantes.Je m'associe bien sûr à la demande du Général Vidal de faire une contre publicité du film, au nom de la lutte envers toute désinformation, notamment alors que l'on parle de forger un destin commun en Calédonie, tout en conseillant à titre personnel la lecture de son livre concernant l'"affaire d'Ouvéa", éclatant d'impartialité et de précisions fondamentales.
Avec mes amitiés
Joëlle Rondreux de Collors
Cliquer sur le lien Le Figaro :
vendredi 18 novembre 2011
Paris apps for smartphones
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L'opéra Garnier |
The Girl's Guide to Paris has been updated with some suggested phone applications for visiting or staying in Paris (The Best Paris Apps). They appear to be mainly for iPhones although some are also available on Android phones.
I have updated the listing for phone applications for travelling on the Femmes Francophiles Wiki:
mardi 15 novembre 2011
French Essence: five villages not to miss in the Luberon, Provence...
I thoroughly enjoying reading the French Essence blog. There are always beautiful photos to accompany the text. An example is: French Essence: five villages not to miss in the Luberon, Provence...:
I certainly agree with Vicki about the villages. We were fortunate to be able to revisit Gordes when we stayed on Robyn and Ron's boat at Avignon in June. Sharing these places with good friends makes them even more special.
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Gordes |
dimanche 13 novembre 2011
CIEL Bretagne: Cours et exercices FLE pour apprendre en ligne gratuitement
Ils proposent aussi des cours et des exercices FLE pour apprendre le français en ligne gratuitement:
These exercises are graded according to DELF level so it is very easy to find the exercises at the appropriate level. Unlike some FLE multiple choice questions these test out understanding of some of the subtleties of the French language.
Photo: By Julien Carnot (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-2.5], via Wikimedia Commons
Photo: By Julien Carnot (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-2.5], via Wikimedia Commons
Beaujolais Nouveau 2011 dégustation - Alliance française d'Adelaïde
The Alliance française d'Adelaïde is hosting it's annual Beaujolais Nouveau dégustation.
Every year the first taste of the new wine harvest is eagerly anticipated in France and around the world. Parties are held, bottles are uncorked and the first sips of Beaujolais Nouveau are savoured. But since this is a young wine, let's not get too serious and let's have some fun. Beaujolais nouveau is a red wine made from Gamay grapes produced in the Beaujolais region of France. It is the most popular vin de primeur, fermented for just a few days then officially released for sale on the third Thursday of November. The grapes must come from the Beaujolais AOC. By law, all grapes in the region must be harvested by hand. The evening will include a presentation on Beaujolais Nouveau.
- Where: Alliance française d'Adelaïde, 319 Young St, WAYVILLE SA
- When: 8pm, Thursday 17 November 2011
- Cost: Free entry, but beverages (incl. Beaujolais) and cheeses will be available for purchase
- RSVP: ESSENTIAL!! Places are limited - email to
Thank you for ... Merci pour or Merci de?
The Thank you for ... Merci pour or Merci de? page comes from which has lots of useful resources. I particularly like their French Daily Expressions for learning idiomatic expressions.
I keep getting confused regarding 'merci de' vs 'merci pour' but this webpage and the video break it down quite simply. The video is a little long-winded running for more than 5 minutes. The webpage however succintly summarises the key information.
Note: If the verb takes 'être' in the passé composé you will still need to use 'être' with the verb in the past e.g. Merci d'être venu.
Merci de (pour) votre attention et d'avoir lu cet article.
Apprentissage d'une langue
Apparently learning a language can be broken down into some essential elements.
This first set I have previously shared with you: 7 secrets pour apprendre une langue rapidement
The latest set is: Les 10 commandements de l'apprentissage des langues. Number 8 is not one that I have ever thought about: Sois convaincu(e) que tu es fort(e) en langue !
Why a blog as well as a Wiki?
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Gordes |
The Wiki is a repository of information that we collaborative work on. It is similar to the reference section in your library where you can go to find information about travelling in France, French grammar, or French influenced shops in Australia.
The blog however is more like a newsletter, an alert if you like. Some of these items may find their way into the Wiki. For example, I may discover a wonderful new grammar site. I will share it on the blog (which keeps a chronological list) and add it to the list of sites on the Wiki. If however I find out that 'French Food Safari' is to be rebroadcast on SBS I will just post this on the blog.
I am not at all creative or a good writer so most of what you will find here will be links to other sites that I have found useful or interesting.
As always feedback is greatly appreciated.
The blog however is more like a newsletter, an alert if you like. Some of these items may find their way into the Wiki. For example, I may discover a wonderful new grammar site. I will share it on the blog (which keeps a chronological list) and add it to the list of sites on the Wiki. If however I find out that 'French Food Safari' is to be rebroadcast on SBS I will just post this on the blog.
I am not at all creative or a good writer so most of what you will find here will be links to other sites that I have found useful or interesting.
As always feedback is greatly appreciated.
Bonne lecture!
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